National Kissing Day
Top Ten Classic Kisses
When we think of July holidays, we often think of July 4th, or Independence Day. However, there is another very special holiday to celebrate in the month of July – National Kissing Day! The holiday originated in the UK, but it has since been adopted worldwide and is celebrated on July 6th. To help you get in the kissing mood, we’ve collected ten of our favorite classic kisses below. Share this post on Facebook and let your friends know which kiss is your favorite!
10. Gone With The Wind
It wouldn’t be right to have any sort of top ten kisses list without including a kiss from Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara. The 1939 film, based on Margaret Mitchell’s 1936 epic novel of a turbulent love story set amidst the American Civil War, boasted the tagline: “The greatest romance of all time!”

Source: Swoon Reads
9. Hershey’s Kiss
Introduced in 1907, these bite-size chocolate candies have been bringing joy to tastebuds everywhere ever since!
8. Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Audrey Hepburn’s iconic portrayal of Holly Golightly in this 1961 romantic comedy has inspired fashion for decades. Audiences raved over the passionate kiss she shares with her neighbor Paul, played by George Peppard, in the last scene of the film.
7. Elvis Presley in “The Kiss”
In 1956, photographer Alfred Wertheimer snapped this candid photograph of Elvis kissing an unknown woman backstage in Richmond, VA. For over 50 years, no one knew the identity of this lucky female fan until Vanity Fair uncovered the story in 2011.

Source: Vanity Fair
6. From Here To Eternity
This steamy beach scene from Oscar-winning 1953 film, From Here To Eternity, excited audiences everywhere. The intensity of the scene is surely due in part to actors Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr’s off-screen romance. Apparently Burt was the one who suggested they film the scene lying down, instead of standing up, as the film crew had originally planned in order not to offend audiences’ sensibilities at the time. You can watch the full scene on Turner Classic Movies.

Source: British Film Institute
5. Princess Diana and Prince Charles
Royal newlyweds Princess Diana and Prince Charles kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace after their wedding ceremony on July 29, 1981. The couple had only met 13 times prior to their wedding day!

Source: Reuters
4. Lady and the Tramp
Certainly the most memorable kissing scene out there that includes spaghetti and meatballs as a co-star, Lady and Tramp’s unexpected kiss in the 1955 Disney film is too adorable not to include in our list.
3. Casablanca
This 1942 romance starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman is full of memorable scenes and quotes like “Kiss me like it’s the last time,” “We’ll always have Paris,” and “Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.”

Source: Harper Entertainment
2. V-J Day Kiss in Times Square
This photo, taken of a jubilant sailor kissing a woman he’s never met before on Victory over Japan Day in Times Square on August 14, 1945, is possibly the most iconic kissing photo ever. Photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt recalls how the moment happened in The Eye of Eisenstaedt: “I was walking through the crowds on V-J Day, looking for pictures. I noticed a sailor coming my way. He was grabbing every female he could find and kissing them all — young girls and old ladies alike. Then I noticed the nurse, standing in that enormous crowd. I focused on her, and just as I’d hoped, the sailor came along, grabbed the nurse, and bent down to kiss her.”

Source: LIFE
1. Your Kiss!
Now it’s your turn to celebrate! Which kiss will you choose?
- Plant a big smooch on your significant other
- Blow a kiss to a friend
- Enjoy an eskimo kiss with your favorite pet
- Share a butterfly kiss with a little one
- Gift someone a Hershey’s kiss
- Greet someone with a kiss on the cheek
- Text someone a kiss :-*
I love it but put a pic or a quick video of the passionte new yourk kiss
well i think thare should be a kiss on here the passionate new york kiss
thank you
i use that kiss so much it is so sexy
i think thair should be a leaned back beach kiss